viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008


I don't know what's going on, but lately people are making me feel strange... Suddenly I'm receiving propositions, phone calls and text messages suggesting to meet, go out for dinner or "fun" (or both xD) and I still wonder why. Why is everyone interested in me lately? Am I different from what I was 2 weeks ago? I don't understand.

I'm feeling like a temptation today... Don't think that I'm being cocky or whichever word is the correct 'cause that's just the way you're making me feel! It's like everybody likes me now, and everyone wants to see me now 'cause I'm so nice, or so hot, or so... whatever!! xD No, talking seriously now... I'm not used to be paid attention by the other people and now that they're doing it I'm feeling good... but weird. Good because... you know, I'm sure you love to have someone interested in meeting you or whatever as well, and I'm no different from the rest of human beings. And weird 'cause I have never had people around, wanting to make contact with me, at least not the way I have them now, being so direct and so clear.

On the other hand I have to say it's a little frustrating to have so many people around now, and none of them being one of those I would like them to be. Yes, I know some of those people are not just around the corner, but you know... there were people in my life that one day decided they didn't want to be part of my life anymore, and they left. I'm not talking about lovers, quick dates or things like that. I'm talking about lost friends, gone mates... I miss them and I think I'll always will. And yes, maybe I miss some lovers, but right now, I only want them as friends. New loves will come... maybe they're already here and I still don't know.

Anyway, THANK YOU, 'cause you're making my ego come back to life (it was kind of dead) and though I feel strange, I like the feeling of being... loved, or wanted, or whatever you want to call it. Make it last for some weeks!!!

(Sé que mi inglés no es perfecto, pero hoy no me apetece hablar en español. Prepárense los que frecuentan el MSN xD)

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Oh... let's see...
So the thing is that some people are around you, wanting you to meet them? Well that's a good thing, not?

Ay ya no te ablo ingles que no me apetece pensar XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
En fin, que al mismo tiempo eso debe ser un poco estresante, no?

En fin, no sé. Si eso te está ayudando a subir tu moral... me alegro jajajaj Siempre va bien :D

Un besoooooo